Monday, 16 June 2008

A Nice Green Leaf: Happy Bloomin' Bloom Day

By Emma Townshend

In April I blogged about Bloom Day, a feat of extreme international coordination as garden bloggers the globe over get together on a single day of the month to show off what's looking good in their domestic patches.

Obviously, here in the Northern Hemisphere we are feeling particularly
happy with ourselves at the moment, as gardens are looking great. So
this month I've made the effort to take part - remarkably time consuming and
slightly disappointing (for me) to look at. You can read further about
the steep learning curve elsewhere: in the meantime, I'll advise you to seek out some of the other garden bloggers who really know how to make June go with a bang.

PS: Today is actually Bloomsday too - the day Ulysses is set. Come on! The perfect time to decide to read the big bugger.

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