Lot of moaning going on at the moment about the rain. But come on, we're gardeners: can't we look on the bright side a bit? For a start, everything is looking fantastically green.
As far as domestic greenophilia goes, the photo shows one of my favourite bits of the garden at the moment. Two of this blog's most droned-on-about plants are in full evidence: a euphorbia, and Chlorophytum comosum, the big old seventies Spider Plant, revving up for a nice summer outdoors. The display is fronted by a fluorescent pink Lewisia which I absolutely adore, for its bolshily-tipped-up habit and desperate floral showing-off.
I can't help thinking the Lewisia is the key to it all, in terms of my own enjoyment. The zinginess of that artificially lurid Barbie colour is enough to make all the rest of the lush growth look incredibly vibrant and healthy.
The arrangement is overlooked by a caper spurge, the tall plant at the back. This is the essence of euphorbia boiled down to a single minimalist stem; I don't know whether you can actually buy them - technically they are a weed, seeming to grow from nothing in my garden. But I never ever pull them out, kneeling down and weeding on my knees so I can check the germinating seedlings for the tell-tale red stem. I think the structure is so elegant, especially those white stripes down the centre of the long, opposing leaves.
Anyway there we go: apart from the slugs and snails (where - whatever current advice is - I am continuing to maintain a Dalai Lama-ish reluctance to do actual squishing) I love the rain. I'm absolutely loving the rain. Rain is great: just make sure you have some bright pink to cheer yourself up.
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