Thursday 7 February 2008

A Nice Green Leaf: Orchid Vesuvius


A brilliant article in the New York Times today about Robert Fuchs, who featured in Susan Orlean's "The Orchid Thief". (Those confused individuals who saw Spike Jonze's Adaptation will remember Orlean was played by Meryl Streep in Jonze's weird film about trying to adapt the book for the screen.)

Fuchs is no actual thief, though the article does describe him as “a very dominant personality who can be relentless and needs to have absolute control.” For the 20th World Orchid Conference (which ran last week in Miami) he prepared a diorama of the orchids of Mandalay, posed on plastic mountains made by his brother.

Faced with possible character assasination as a control freak, Fuchs countered: “I’m organized and want to run it right, play by the rules and play with the team, but every team has a captain.” You can admire his firm leadership in action at the Central Florida Orchid Society, where pictures of the Mandalay display are posted. 

Apologies to Bob, but I prefer WFG's orchid volcano. "Free orchids were given to the first twenty-five people to run over to their booth when the volcano starting erupting." I am in awe. Why can't they run the Chelsea Flower Show a bit more along those lines?

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